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Meet the Musicians: An Interview with The Bennett Hall Band

An interview with The Bennett Hall Band, made up of 3 sisters making their debut.

1- Are you primarily an independent group or do you work with a company?


2- What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of working with the company/being independent?

By being independent we get to own our songs and make the big decisions concerning our music.

3- How did your first single "Where's My Man" come about? Who did you work with?

Presley and Kat wrote it together. Presley had an idea to write a song about how someone had been changed by the world and it went from there. We were really happy with how this one turned out and the message seemed to speak to our current audience.

4- Although it is your first single, the lyrics of Where's My Man are very meaningful. The songwriter should be congratulated. Who writes these lyrics?

Presley and Kat wrote these lyrics together. Who composes next? How is the song making process of these 3 sisters developing in general? Typically one of us has an idea and then we all get together and go for it. Often the melody comes from Presley and Kat writes more of the lyrics but this seems to be changing recently. Josie sits in and has helped with the lyrics on more recent tunes.

5- You released your second single right after the first single. Will your next works come with an interval of 1 month?

We are releasing one a month over the next 6 months plus a Christmas song that will be out around Thanksgiving. Our next single will come out November 8th. We are really excited about this one!

6- How would you describe the music you make?

We love our songs to have a country feel, as that is where our roots are from. They are often heavy on lead guitar which makes them feel a little pop (Singin’ With Myself) and even a bit rock which you will hear in the upcoming releases.

7- You have live performance videos of your works on your YouTube channel. Do you plan to shoot video clips for your works?

We would love to when the budget allows!!

8- How is the feedback you have received so far in your music life, which you have just started?

We have gotten great feedback. People seem to be very supportive overall. Of course there are haters, but we have a great system of support at home and locally. Our social media channels are full of people that support us and show us lots of love. We are so blessed!

9- Although you are just starting out in music, you do a lot of concerts. Do you have a concert calendar where they can listen to you right now?

Our website always has our upcoming shows listed, as does Bands In Town and our social media channels.

10- What would you like to say to Alliarti readers?

We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share our music with y’all. We appreciate the support and hope that you’ll follow our journey!!

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